
Six People Who Realized Actions Have Consequences

Although the concept of karma can't be counted on as a failsafe measure of justice, it is nice to know that it's out there to serve some people consequences for their bad behavior. These six people either told on themselves, or told the tales of times actions definitely did have consequences

If you take anything away from galleries like these, let it be that partners are always able to pull more tail than you think they will. Whenever an unhappy partner proposes an open relationship as a solution for a fading intimacy drive, they invariably get met by the reality that their partner is much more attractive than they thought they were, and much more willing to move on. That's what happened to one cheater, who after her acts of infidelity, was upset to learn that her former partner was already seeing somebody else, and developing a deeper connection with them than they'd ever had. At the same time, her new relationship was abusive. "You had it good," a former friend wrote, "but you left him for someone who hits you." Nobody ever deserves physical violence, but a cheater never has a leg to stand on when it comes to relationship regret. 

Read about that and other stories of people facing consequences for their own bad actions. 

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