
23 Travelers Who Got Roasted TSA Agents Big Time

What do you think they do to train TSA officers? Of course they go through regular security training and learn how to react to different emergencies. But I swear they also screen these potential agents on how well they can eviscerate the average human.

Let’s face it, everyone is at their lowest at the airport. And the only way to make the situation much worse is for a middle-aged TSA worker to come and schoolyard bully you in public. On Twitter this week, a woman recounted how a TSA agent looked at her jar of caramel and decided to roast her so hard. She was bringing the caramel as a gift to her boyfriend’s family. And the TSA agent immediately let her know that it was a terrible choice. That post went viral leading to others sharing the times TSA embarrassed them.

Scroll down and witness a human soul get sucked out of them and float in an airport hangar along with their humility and dreams. A small price to pay to get to Phoenix.

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