
22 'Welcome Back' Memes That Will Have You Believing in Reincarnation

In some cultures, when loved ones pass, their spirit lives on in the elements around us. But in the culture of the garbage internet, it means reincarnation memes that make no sense. 

You’ve probably come across this new meme format where one figure dies and another is born in the same year and the bottom text reads “Welcome back." Sometimes there's a clear connection between figures and sometimes the only thing that conjoins the two is the death/birth year. And sometimes neither applies and it’s just an honest to god joke for the internet.

This meme format started off with people claiming their faves were the reincarnation of Princess Diana. It’s not enough to call your celeb crush baby girl or the people's princess. No, they have to be Princess Diana reincarnated and back in the limelight. Our favorite “Welcome Back” memes include Taylor Swift and the Berlin Wall, Taylor Swift and Karl Marx, and Taylor Swift and Emporer Hirohito. I guess 1989 was a really influential year.

Scroll down and see how Cassie from Euphoria is really just Lewis Strauss from Oppenheimer.

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